Hi1 are you? I'm fine. Today wasn't a very good day because I got late and I almost missed the max. We got out late from P.E. because we had to do that dance that I don't like. I'ts actually alot of dances that are not to nice but some are easy to do. We were making some cartoon pictures. I had trouble yesturday getting started drawing but I soled it. Matt said that he was going to help.
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Hi! How are you today? I'm fine. Yesturday was a pretty ordinary day for me. Because as always I called my mom and I will also call her today. My dad bought me a tele phone card and he will take half day on Friday. This is one of our last days for school because we are talking the day of on break. I was playing soccer games yesturday and also I was playing on the computer for awhile. We have an assignment for today and I have to go, by.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Hi! How are you today? I'm fine today but what I didn't like was that yesturday my dad didn't want me to call my mom actually he didn't want to buy me one. Today we made a little experiment with the cells in biology. Alex helped me with my macro that I had trouble with yesturday. I hope we won't have much work to day because i don't feel like doing to much today. I'll write to you tomorrow. By.
Monday, December 09, 2002
Hi! How are you today? I'm pretty good today except my weekend that was horryble except for my baseball cards that I got in my weekend. My dad works all day until Friday I think. My favorite soccer team lost, and got out of the play offs. really bad probably thats why I had a bad weekend and I also won the cup in my game. We have a c schedule and we are having a assembly today. I got to go by.