Friday, March 21, 2003

Hi! How are you today? I"m fine but with a little bit of exicentment because we are going to a short spring break even though I don't know why they call it a spring break if it is not long enough. I'm already done with the assignment that I need to have every day.Are you happy about spriing break do you think that one week is fair? I think that in way it is good but in another way it is not good because they say different things and at the last moment they change plans. I wrote about the a report of the police that says that they lost the war against the drugs well I think that if the world starts being a lot more rude with everybody with consumers and with people that they sell it, like killing them torture them but that would not work; just kill every person that has to do with drugs.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Hi! How are you today? I'm but I still need something that I still can't figure out why do we need to do this assignment because I don't seem to learn much of it except that I increase my typing speed and also it will help me get more information about that topic What I really don't know is the difference between computer scince and this is computer scince better? I think that it is better than I thought because somebody told me that they all do all these kind of stuff that help them understand the computer better. I'll write right now in the "research" blogfger where I have all my information of what's going on with the war.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Hi! How are you? I'm fine today I got my test results and I did okay, but I got other to extra right answers because the scanner did not correct right . Today I'll keep on doing my repports on the war and drugs so that means that I will probably need to leave soon. I visited my aunt yesturday and it went pretty good I got to play with my cousins and some other friends. I'll keep on looking on my google search of what is happen with the drug. I'll write tomorrow.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Hi! How are you today? I"m but alittle worried because we are going to have a test today that seems to be very hard but who knows it'll probably be easy or hard. I'm doing good in my reaserch I have to go now because I need to finish and have alittle bit of free time! I haven't had free time since a long time and plus I have been working hard so I need to rest a little bit I fanally got my cell phone! write to you tomorrow.