Friday, February 21, 2003

Hi! How are you today? I'm fine today and very confused about a tutor thing. If they give an extra credit no boubt that I'll take that extra class. Even though i don't need it. I need to finish the work Mr.McPartland put us to do so I'll leave right now. Galladay turned of my computer right nnow so I'm a little bit behind now. Sorry I can't write more but I got to go to do the assignment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

You put Blogger in my Google! You put Google in my Blogger!
posted February 17, 2003 at 12:47 pm ET
Our spies have been hard at work here at, drudging up the latest news, gossip, and graphical user interfaces related to the Google/Pyra deal. Here's an early peek at what Blogger could look like now that Google has its multicolored mitts on it:
The inclusion of the "I'm feeling lucky" button in the interface has already turned the so-called "blogosphere" upside down, creating a schism between the "luckbloggers" and the "luckisfortheshallowthestrongcreatetheirownluckbloggers". More information on this important conflict as it unfolds.
OK, I'm outta here for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a double-whammy. I think you're all going to be surprised who the Blogger Of The Year is. Well, I guess not everyone. Heh. It was a race to the finish. Something to behold. But, as with the other honorees, you guys made the right choice. Hack The Planet, Black Hole Brain, Suck, Mark Pilgrim, Google and.. tune in tomorrow, about 7AM Pacific to find out who you all chose for BOTY.
OK, I'm outta here for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a double-whammy. I think you're all going to be surprised who the Blogger
Internet Yald and Notes

Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Dave Winer and Teoma
Dave Winer's a "with it" guy. He gets what the web should be. He wrote about Teoma being a possible replacement for Google when talking about Google's next steps.

Teoma has some features that you can't find in Google. The have a search refinements, which Google is sorely lacking. It helps you drill down to find information using terms and search ideas you may not have realized.

The problem with Teoma is two fold. 1) They don't have a very large index. 2) You have to pay to be included. The first problem isn't a big deal as Teoma is growing ... the second is a killer. The reason why Google rules is that it is all inclusive. You don't have to pay to be in and the Googlebot will pay a visit to your site the minute it finds a link. Your barrier for getting into the index, thus making the search service more valuable, is extremely low.

The service Google should be concerned about is alltheweb. They have a large index and will include your site for free. They also index images, videos, mp3 files, ftp files and news. This is the Google challenger ... not Teoma.
posted by Patrick Grote at 11:17 AM
Google don't blink

Here's one for the history books. "For all intents and purposes, Google owns the Web, by virtue of its superior and highly popular search engine." I don't agree. Teoma appears to be as good a search engine as Google. Here's how the Web works. If Google starts claiming that they own the Web, and tries to foreclose, Microsoft will buy Teoma and give something away that Google charges money for. Then John Doerr will be forced to decide if he is willing to wage a cash battle with Microsoft. He will blink. Google will be history.

If I had to bet, I'd bet that Google is smarter. They're not going to make the same mistake Netscape made -- declaring victory. Instead, they will be humble, and self-deprecating, and set expectations low. (They may have a problem because everyone sees them looming so large.) They will figure out what the users want and give it to them. They may try to act like a platform vendor, and if they do, they will have a historic chance to do it right, one that neither Apple or Microsoft or the W3C has managed. (Or dead ones like Personal Software, Lotus, Borland, General Magic.)

BTW, anyone who believes that Google actually owns the Web should remember that Microsoft owns the browser. Google is a good search engine and blogging tool. We don't know how they will connect them yet. I bet they don't either.

Note to Teoma. If you want to compete with Google, you must have image search.

Adam asks if Teoma should have an XML-RPC API, and the answer is of course. And it should go further than the Google API. Of course the Google API should go further than the Google API too.

Hi! How are you today? I'm fine. Yesturday I got a new game. We finally we have an assignment to do? It was a long since we had an assiment. We are going to do a "late news" about the blogger in scripting I think that this isn't going to take me along time. I just a note from the"proyecto conexion". I'll probably need to leave early today. I'm actually going to leave early this period.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Hi! How are you today? I'm o.k. I'll have to leave early today. I have a docters appointment. I'll have my physical test for the baseball league on the 24 of this month. I think that we are going to have a new assignment. I got a good grade on my P.E. I'm going to take advanced weight training. I have all my assignments complete. I'll keep on typing the typing master game. I'm typing faster than before.