Friday, December 20, 2002

Hi! How are you today? I'm fine. we get out tomorrow actually on Monday. My takes the day of today and the weekend also. I had a test on biology today it was really easy. i have to buy a new hard ware for the ps2. Have to get the flash symbol that is due tomorrow wait a minute I'm with I'm the only thing to do is the symbol. Got to go write to you when I get back from break.bye.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Hi! how are you today? i'm fine with out any problems,except the dance we have in P.E. We have to do a new dance taht is real hard the only ones who do it right are the girls. the boys they just messed up. My dad passed his citizenship test that was a great news. My mom got happy about this. My aunt will probably come to my apartment. I will also call my cousin tomorrow. I need to finish my animation for tomorrow. Write to you Friday.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Hi1 How are you today? I'm fine but I'm a little bit nerveous because my dad has a test on a citizenship card. He has been studing very hard and I know that he pass it. I'm also going to finish my cartoon and also I'm going to have a test on biology on Friday it seems to be very easy but I still need to study. Well I have to keep on doing my cartoon.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Hi! How are you today? I'm fine as always and i also got a new playstation game that it didn't seem very interesting at first. But it turned out to be a very good game. I was plying with Mexico andf I beated canada 2-1, barbados 7-0, I beated Honduras 3-1 and i also beated the United States 5-0, I also played some practice games with other teams in other countries. I will probably call my aunt today actually Rosalie.Well I got to go now by.