Hi! How are you today I'm fine but a little bit sad because I only did 22 push up when I was supposed over 27 they stoped me. Any ways I am learning Ido right now it is a language which is recognized world wide. Anyways I am going to have a great web site with the project we are doing. I know that the web site is only going to be adited by for the last of the asignment which will pretty soon because the period is almost over. I think I am going to get an "A".
Friday, April 04, 2003
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Hi! How are you today? I"m fine I already have article done it is about the war of drugs and how the U.S. cannot stop it and that it will never stop it because it doesn't have enough cruelty and that if it does wanna do something it should start killing people and that way everybody will never take drugs and please I do agree kill to succeed that is the best way to win but the U.S. is very delicate with the drugs also all the countries are very delicate too bad I wish that would happen and the population rate would drop and that way we would have more oxygen less delicuency etc, I saw this in star trek the next generation at channel 57, 8 pm, weekdays. Write to you on Friday.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Hi! How are you today? I'm fine . Today I almost lost my wallet in my P.E. class. I was very worried about because I had money in it but good thing that nothing happened to my money and my I.D. from the state and from school. I was going to get in trouble with my parents. I have been working in the thing that you told ud to do since before break and I have been working on it I think that I have been working hard on the asignment. Right now I'm trying to type with out looking at the keyboard it is kind hard but I'm getting used it. Yesturday I added a link to my web site where all my work is. Last report I did was about the U.S. and Iraq, in what they where related to each other in drugs. I think thats all I need to say about my report right now the rest you can at my web ste where all the things are and with all the information related with drugs is. I'll right tomorrow so see you till then.
Monday, March 31, 2003
http://michaelking10.blogspot.com/Hi! How are you today? I'm fine but a little bit confused becase I don't know what to do in this asignment that Mr. McPartland gave us to do to day actually right now he hasn't said nothing about an asignment but any ways I''ll start doing the same ting we were suposed to do during the whole time during the last three weeks. I have being doing every thing but I'm still confused about what he wants and also I have being doing all my work and honestly I'm expecting good "A" for all my quarter. I'm leaving a big link that will take directly to my web site where all work is and I have my point of view on the very bottom of the posted blog and article.